Control on Social Media Platforms

Social MediaIn an digital age where information is available at our fingertips and where our voice is heard by a greater audience then ever before, it is increasingly important that boundaries are clear. Never before were we able to voice our opinions to such a wide audience but social media has provided us with exactly that. Within a few hours, thousands of people are able to view our tweets or posts and that is why it is so important to be careful what content we choose to share.

According to some, and this is my opinion also, the digital age has made us desensitised and we show much less sympathy because we now see and hear about so much more. This has unfortunately resulted in us sharing content which would never have crossed the minds of those in past generations. Many a times, a video or picture that is shared to us we pass on without a second thought of whether it is factual or even appropriate. We fail to spare a thought for the individuals who will be affected by such posts thinking our actions have no consequences. But they do and it is important we recognise that. One opinion is that society is consumed by a desire to be entertained with vile and inappropriate content providing just that. We need to be selective with what we share to the world and ensure what we do is factual and not upsetting to any individual.

Its not all doom and gloom. Social media does provide moments of brilliance when humanity shows its benevolence to help a cause, be it half way around the world or in the local community. Its also a great way to share individual experiences and acolades. However we do need to be careful with how we portray ourselves in the cyber world.

The digital world is the one we now live in. We cannot ignore that so we must adapt to ensure that we don’t lose ourselves.

Feel free to comment below your opinions or experiences.

Yasin ibn Suleman Desai


6 Comments Add yours

  1. IsmailSatia says:

    Ma Sha Allah! A lot of my thoughts echoed in this post.

    Print it and put on every masjid noticeboard. JzkAllah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yasin Desai says:

      I think a lot of people are of the same thinking! I’ll leave you to do that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. IsmailSatia says:

        I am banned from most mosques… lol! Let alone putting something up on the noticeboard


        1. Yasin Desai says:

          Are you? 🤨

          Liked by 1 person

          1. IsmailSatia says:

            I am just about allowed in Haram Sharif (under a niqab). Hahahahaha!

            Liked by 1 person

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